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What We Do

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Feasibility Studies

Find out what your investors really think.

First things first – let our experts find out what your investors and local business community really think about your plan.  The feasibility study is an independent, objective assessment of your marketplace via confidential interviews with both public and private sector leaders to measure the potential to adequately fund your key economic development programs and initiatives.  Even if you don’t hire us to do your fundraising campaign, please don’t let another firm talk you into raising money without performing a feasibility study.

Kelle Marsalis,
President & CEO,

Plano Chamber of Commerce

“RDG’s feasibility study proved to be invaluable. Their recommendations solved problems, identified opportunities and set our Chamber up for success.”

Direct Solicitation Campaigns

Can I hold a dollar?

Let our Principals guide you through the campaign process from beginning to end and make all of the solicitation calls for you! Let’s face it, no one LIKES to ask for money, and your leadership team should be focused on the execution of your plan.  We know this and that’s why RDG created this approach and continue to improve upon this approach this every day. 

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A little bit me, and a little bit you.

At RDG, we understand that there is no cookie-cutter approach to economic development fundraising. The hybrid model includes elements from both the Direct Solicitation model and Campaign Management because we understand that every community needs something a little different.  Luckily when you hire RDG, you hire a team with over 125 years of collective experience, and we’re prepared to design a campaign model that works best for you. 

John Truluck,

Dorchester County
Economic Development

“This was our first campaign after forming a 501c3, and we more than tripled our private sector funding while working with RDG.”

Campaign Management

Good ol' fashion cat wrangling.

Are you fortunate enough to already have the infrastructure within your organization and leadership team to raise the money you need, but would like some oversight so that the community development or economic development fundraising campaign doesn’t last longer than your actual strategy?  No worries!  RDG will happily independently access your internal and volunteer capacity and capabilities to ensure all of the pieces are in place.  Ultimately, RDG’s goal is to define the most efficient and effective method for maximizing economic development resources in your marketplace.

Michael Huber,
Former CEO,
Indy Chamber
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“RDG’s Comprehensive Feasibility Study help to confirm that the Indy Chamber had promising potential to attract foundational investments to fund our regional economic development strategy, Accelerate Indy. RDG’s analysis of the nine-county, Indy region helped to identify key companies and ultimately, surpass our fundraising goal.”

Consulting Services

“Let me be your everything.”

Want an in-depth overview of how other organizations like yours are structured?  Have an unruly board that can’t quite get it together?  Or maybe you want to host a board retreat but really don’t want to stand in-front of the room for six hours?  At RDG, we will do any and all of that… and more! Our Principals are well versed in organizational/board restructuring, best practice studies, and facilitation services.  Don’t believe us?  Let us know and we’ll send some references!

Jay Chesshir,
 President and CEO,
Little Rock Regional Chamber
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“RDG has worked multiple campaigns for us.  Why?  Because they’re talented, prepared, focused and relate to whatever is happening in our community at that moment. They listen, do their research and then present a thoughtful strategy to implement.  RDG understands that meeting, or exceeding, a goal for the campaign is important but not to the detriment of long-term relationships between our investors, us and their team.  RDG is not only a professional resource, they’re valued friends.”

Listen to CEO Clint Nessmith discuss economic development fundraising on the  Econ Dev Show podcast by clicking the button below.

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